LACUNA COIL's CRISTINA SCABBIA Urges Fans To Stay Home: 'We Can All Make A Difference'

March 26, 2020

LACUNA COIL singer Cristina Scabbia has once again urged the band's fans to do their part in keeping everybody healthy while they are at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

By the end of this week, more than half of Americans will be ordered to stay home as much as possible in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus. The governors of 21 states have issued orders shutting down most businesses.

Earlier today, Scabbia took to her Instagram to write: "I love and miss you all very much.

"I miss the stages, I miss traveling, I miss your hugs and kisses but I know that staying home and practice social distancing right now helps to contain the virus and saved more lives relieving the health system that is absolutely overwhelmed trying to cure every ill human being.

"Staying home tremendously helps doctors, nurses, fire fighters, police men, people working at funeral services, people working and groceries and farmacies and whoever is forced to work every single day.

"This has nothing to do with personal freedom, this is about realizing the fact we are going through an emergency and having basic common sense and whoever is going out with no reason is egoistical and irresponsible.

"Stay home, get in touch with your friends or elders neighbours that might need your help for groceries or an extra word.

"We can all make a difference... until the day that will bring us all together, again.

"Stay safe out there".

There have been more than 495,000 confirmed cases and more than 22,000 deaths so far, putting public health systems and emergency services under immense pressure.

More than 74,386 people have been infected with the coronavirus in Italy, where LACUNA COIL is based, and more than 7,500 have died.

Lombardia, where LACUNA COIL's hometown of Milan is located, is the worst-affected region in the country with more than 32,000 cases.

The number of coronavirus cases in Lombardia increased by some 2,500 on Thursday, regional Governor Attilio Fontana said.

Lombardia has been under a lockdown since March 8.

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I love and miss you all very much. I miss the stages, I miss traveling, I miss your hugs and kisses but I know that staying home and practice social distancing right now helps to contain the virus and saved more lives relieving the health system that is absolutely overwhelmed trying to cure every ill human being. Staying home tremendously helps doctors, nurses, fire fighters, police men, people working at funeral services, people working and groceries and farmacies and whoever is forced to work every single day. This has nothing to do with personal freedom, this is about realizing the fact we are going through an emergency and having basic common sense and whoever is going out with no reason is egoistical and irresponsible. Stay home, get in touch with your friends or elders neighbours that might need your help for groceries or an extra word. We can all make a difference... until the day that will bring us all together, again. Stay safe out there ? Pic by @matteomusazziphotography

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